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How to Increase Your Website Alexa Rank

Alexa is a website that provides information about the traffic a website.
Alexa rank can be a picture of the number of visitors who visit a blog that recorded by Alexa.
Alexa Rank is very important for our website because there are a few website advertising service commercial / adsense that provides Alexa ranking in terms of certain restrictions if we want to use their services.
Traffik Alexa ranking is calculated based on the calculation tri Wulan historical data I collected traffik Alexa Toolbar users.
Data also obtained from other sources and combined with the reach and pageview / visit the original web visitor and not a robot.
Here are some steps to improve the Alexa rank:
1. Install Alexa Rank Widget in your sidebar
Alexa code can be downloaded in http://www.alexa.com/site/devcorner
Installation of the code in the sidebar the same as the HTML code in general.
2. Install Alexa Plug
Install the Alexa toolbar (http://www.alexa.com/site/download/).
Setting our website address as the main homepage of the browser we use.
3. Writing articles about Alexa
Post article can be in the form of material about Alexa, these tips and other things about the Alexa Rank.
4. Increase Traffic Hits
How good is the article that weight.
5. Join the Forum or the Mailing List in accordance with the material your Website
Most easy way to attract someone to come visit is to leave link website / blog in the signature, along with a brief description about the contents.

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