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Articles About TCP / IP

TCP / IP (Transmission Control stands for Protocol / Internet Protocol) data communication standard is used by the Internet community in the process of exchange of data from one computer to another computer in the Internet network.

This protocol can not stand on its own, because the protocol is a set of protocols (protocol suite).

This protocol is also a protocol, the most widely used at this time. Data is being implemented in the form of software (software) in the operating system.

The term given to this software is a TCP / IP stack.

TCP / IP developed at the end of the decade of 1970s to early 1980s as a standard protocol for connecting computers and networks to form a broad network (WAN).

TCP / IP network is an open standard that is independent of the physical network transport mechanism used, so that it can be used anywhere.

This protocol uses a simple scheme pengalamatan referred to as the IP address (IP Address) that allows up to several hundred million computers to each other on the Internet.

This protocol is also a routable protocol, which means this is suitable for connecting different systems (such as Microsoft Windows and UNIX families) to form a heterogeneous network.

TCP / IP always evolved along with the time, considering the many needs of the computer network and Internet.

Development is done by several agencies, as well as the Internet Society (ISOC), Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Various protocols that run on top of TCP / IP, pengalamatan scheme, and the concept of TCP / IP is defined in a document called a Request for Comments (RFC) issued by the IETF.

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